Charak Puja 2023: Charak Puja 2023 Date and Time in India

2023 Charak Puja Date & Time in India, 2023 Charak Puja Calendar2023 Charak Puja Date & Time in India, 2023 চড়ক পূজা তারিখ এবং সময়, 2023 নীল পূজা তারিখ ও সময়, 2023 Nil Puja Date & Time in India.

About Charak Puja: Charak Puja (also known as Nil Puja) is a Hindu folk festival, held in southern Bangladesh and West Bengal on the last day of the month of Chaitra (in Bengali calendars called Choitro). 

People believe that the festival will carry prosperity by eliminating the sorrow and sufferings of the previous year. The festival is actually a festival to satisfy “Lord Shiva”, the great “Debadideb” of Hindu Religion. Though the festival takes place at midnight of Chaitra Songkranti, the preparation phase usually starts one month of the day.

Here is the date of Charak Puja 2023 :

Name of Festivals Days Date of Festivals
Charak Puja Friday 14 April 2023
চড়ক পূজা শুক্রবার ১৪ এপ্রিল ২০২৩
চড়ক পূজা শুক্রবার ৩০ চৈত্র ১৪২৯

The arrangement team of the festival goes from village to village to procure the necessary components like paddy, oil, sugar, salt, honey, money, and other items with the arranged cosmetics such as Shiva, Parvati, and Narod. The cosmetic Shiva is locally called “Nil Pagol” or “Jal Katha”. At midnight of the Songkranti, the worshippers are gathered together to worship God and after puja, the prasad is distributed.

[source : wikipedia]

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